Susi Jones Monthly Newsletter
November 2022
Reflection on October
In all honesty - the whole of the month seems to have been taken up with the book - but we managed a beautiful break in the Lake District, the lead photo here is of Beatrix Potter's HillTop home.
If you were to visit the Wiki Portal: Current Events - you would be depressed by the difficulties millions of us are going through and many are experiencing the most dismal time.
BUT if we go inside, into our very heart, into presence, into our private and personal world, the world we can influence, then we can find a quiet sense of peace amidst all of the external chaos. When I have this sense of peace, I can spread it out to the world. Will it make a difference, is that possible? Yes it is, we might only see ripples but when Warriors of Light choose to create an intention of peace, calm, cooperation, collaboration and love, the more ripples we will see. Are you a Warrior of Light? Want to know more? - just ask
I confess that health took a backstep for a while, but then I had a session with Elaine Sagar with a protocol called Old Pain2Go. This model was created by another friend Steven Blake and I can honestly say it is amazing. Elaine explained how my brain was still carrying out of date pain messages that were no longer necessary or helpful and then she skillfully guided me to release these. What was remarkable, beyond an increased flexibility and mobility, was the release of old pain that I wasn't aware of! I had known for some time that I hadn't cleared some PTSD which led to major surgery, and the pain at the scar site and related emotions - all disappeared. Including an old shoulder injury - which is getting more flexible every day. Check out and also Elaine @
We had a fabulous session with Michael Alperstein who showed us around KDP - there is a video if you missed it, please ask. This was well attended and Karen Taylor was so inspired she immediately published her book of poems.
Here's the link to Michael’s book:: JoyfulHeart Gratitude Journal: A 60 Day Manifestation Workbook
Here's the link to Karen Taylor's book: Thoughts for a peaceful day
Isis Wisdom: Unveiling the Magic of You is looking hopeful for December 7th 2022. I have just ordered my proof copy. I will have a party online to celebrate (it's my birthday too so what a beautiful way to celebrate).
The journey of self publishing could not be easier, but there is an amazing amount of information to learn. To support all of you budding authors, I will be sharing my Mistakes and Failings - but mostly my Learnings on Kindle Create - I will talk about manuscripts, formatting, uploading, formatting again, front and back matter, ISBN, and if time allows how to create a book cover on Google Slides (word equivalent: Powerpoint). These videos are on Youtube under ‘link only’ to protect privacy, but when I have a moment I will edit them down to just the presentation for public viewing.
In the early hours of Sunday 30th October between 02.00 - 03.00 (when the clocks went back in UK) I awoke to blue letters on our wardrobe doors, there is no natural light in our room at this time. I consulted a highly knowledgeable friend and then took my questions to meditation. It was an early form of Aramaic and a blessing. I am so moved by its simplicity that I invite you to listen and experience these words.
Peace be with you (it's an inside job)
Peace be unto you (being given to you)
You are called (invited)
Called by name (specifically you)
Let the river flow (stay in flow, don't swim upstream)
Bring your light forth (shine your love on the world
And shine bright (like a candle in the dark)
We conclude by speaking about ourselves: Peace be with me, peace be unto me, I am called, Called by my name______, I let the river flow, I bring forth my light and shine bright
Your guided meditation is on the footer of my website:
Ralph! Dementia UK are raising funds, and I created the pattern to raise funds for them. Please share with your crochet friends - and if you want to donate the link is on the footnote.
Please use Ralph if there is a box for nicknames.
Here's the link
If you need me to email the pattern, get in touch. Always check your junk folder for response.
Mushrooms on Toast. A truly simple but delicious light lunch:
I use Portobello or Large Flat for great taste
1-2 large mushrooms per person
Seasoned Oil: Garlic, black pepper, ½ tsp smoked paprika, ¼ tsp english mustard powder.
Coconut cream, (from a can) or double cream if you prefer
Vegan parmesan (or non vegan!)
Gorgeous bread toasted.
In a heavy bottomed pan, heat the seasoned oil
Slice mushrooms (cut large ones in half) and sauté until cooked
Add a tablespoon + of cream and allow all the juices to combine, add more as needed, bring to simmer and then melt parmesan (I add around a heaped dessert spoon per person).
Serve on lightly toasted bread
Circle of Light
Our circles are always a delight, never the same, always life enhancing and gentle spaces.
I am thrilled that Ana Andreea Plesea is joining us on 14th November to facilitate our session. Ana is an Intuitive coach and reader and has contributed our Gratitude link this month. Here is her link .
Our Circle is on Monday 14th November at 18.00GMT (6pm) Pst 11am, Central is 1pm, East is 2pm. Sydney is 5am. It is completely free without expectation
The Power of Gratitude Practices
Gratitude practices are powerful ways to shift and uplift when facing challenges because they help bridge us back to our spirit, and connect us to possibility. When we are grateful we feel more relaxed, abundant and loving. Here are some simple gratitude practices to inspire you:
Pause before eating your meal to say thank you and contemplate all the forces and people that came together to make your meal possible.
Say thank you as you wake up and before going to bed.
Bring to mind three things you are grateful for. Breathe into your heart and allow gratitude to fill you.
Write a thank you letter to someone.
Simply use "thank you" as an inner mantra.
The more we contemplate gratitude, the deeper we can see into the nature of reality, and remember who we truly are.
With love,
Date for your November Diary
Circle of Light: 14th November @ 18.00 - 19.00 (doors open at 17.30 (5.30)) London Time
11am Pacific,, 1pmCentral 2pm Eastern, 5am Sydney
Kindle Create Training: is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Kindle Create with Susi Jones
Time: Nov 24, 2022 18:00 London 11am Pacific, 1pm Central, 2pm Eastern, 5am Sydney
Meeting ID: 826 7862 3411 Passcode: 677903
And add 7th December at 19.30 GMT to your diary for an Online Party to celebrate the launch of Isis Wisdom Unveiling the Magic of You and my birthday. Bring your own nibbles and drink of your choice and if you have a song you want to sing, a poem you want to read or some jokes you wish to share - bring it on! I will read a little from the book - how exciting is that??
I encourage you to subscribe to receive this monthly newsletter and special offers.
And if you would like your power and strength rekindled - get in touch for a free discovery call: Welcome20% discount on services for your first session. Contact me through social media or
Susi Jones (@isis_wisdom)
