I have been looking at those who succeed and those with little success to see what the key elements of success are.
Does success equate with knowledge and experience or something else?
We are bombarded by adverts, free challenges and experts selling their wares. What is it about each person that attracts or detracts you from their offer?
I have been 'lured' into the webs of some powerful marketers who then offered mediocre engagement and lacklustre information. Sometimes for free and others for financial exchange.
Some of the wonderful people I support are beyond excellent at their work, but they seem to fail to get a foot hold in the market and my research is designed to better support their success.
My simple conclusion is CONFIDENCE
The amazing coaches and therapists are brilliant at what they do, but have not got the bravado to get behind the camera, shout from the rooftops, pay copywriters, editors and filmography experts to create topnotch adverts.
So how do you move towards that state of Confidence on the journey to success?
First - know yourself: sit with all the uncomfortable stories you tell yourself and really question if they are still true.
Then - look at all the strands of your abilities and gifts and question them....ask each one if it is where you want to be today? Is this your purpose? Are you on the right track?
Then - talk to others and ask them for an honest appraisal
Then - take all of this information and sit with it again, let it 'brew' in you until you are really clear
IF you have 2 or more choices hold a debate about each - argue against them both until you find which one is the best fit.
Then - review - research - re-visit - revamp - rebrand your business
NICHE - if there is one word that gets my teeth on edge it is this! so instead of looking for your niche client, ask yourself this: WHO do I want to work with, who gives me the greatest joy and who am I comfortable with?
Then - start building authority, speak to people, share your wisdom, become the 'go to' expert in your field.
Do this in comfortable ways with people who will give you feedback to build your confidence.
Practice by recording yourself on your phone and nailing your 'pitch'
Focus, Discipline & Passion
Gratitude - daily doses of gratitude for yourself, and others to maintain your focus on your goal
Habits - get organised and disciplined - plan your day and stick with it
Build Authority - everywhere you go, everywhere you are seen on social media, make people believe in you and build rapport and trust in your knowledge and wisdom
Create - constantly creating interesting content to build curiosity (that's a lot of 'C's!)
Call to Action - stating "I am the solution you are looking for"
OFFER value - real value, not pie in the sky nonsense, powerful value that will transform lives.
There is nothing more attractive in a person than Confidence and confident people truly know themselves, love themselves and have little interest in others opinions of them. This is not arrogance, or ego, this is being comfortable with who you are...
The IMUA programme (moving forwards in strength) is a fast forward 1/2 day experience that will guide you towards your Success and build Confidence.

Book a discovery call to discuss your needs.