I am delighted to introduce you to our First Spotlight Speaker in our First Circle of Light
Philippa Holding a delightful, energetic and beautiful soul who I met through a professional group on Facebook.
Philippa Holding is an International Award Winning Women's Empowerment Specialist, Author, Motivational Speaker, Trainer and Entrepreneur. After leading on the front line in a high stress industry for 17 years, the breakdown of a significant relationship, and beating cancer she burnt out. However Philippa is not built to quit, and so used that season of her life as the catalyst to leave corporate life and set up her international private practice. She brings her 20+ years of expertise, lots of laughter and a whole heap of life lessons to the table to help you ditch the doubts, fears and insecurities and Unleash The Empowered Woman WithinTM.
Philippa will be leading us in an interactive spotlight on applying the yin and yang of self-compassion, which is a perfect start as we build our circle
To find out more about the Circle of Light - visit www.susijones.com and if it inspires you to join us, then please use the code: Try Circle for FREE which will give you 3 months access to the group and a Zoom Link. Any issues (new website might be glitchy: email smile@susijones.com
One of the visions for the Circle is Cooperation and Collaboration, to build each other up and grow opportunities for success. There is a new paradigm emerging where Love and Kindness are the foundational premise that we build our lives and businesses on
Here are Philippa's details should you want to get to know her more
Award Winning Women’s Empowerment Specialist and Corporate Wellness Trainer
📱 +44 7834 714716📧philippaholding@gmail.com 🖥www.philippaholding.com
